80 anni dalla Liberazione, verso il 25 aprile 2025

“No all’aggressione contro la Siria”. L’appello di 366 organizzazioni arabe

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Pubblichiamo la lettera con la quale 366 Organizzazioni della società civile provenienti da 13 paesi arabi chiedono al  Congresso degli Stati Uniti e al Parlamento francese di non approvare l’atto di  aggressione contro la Siria che violerebbe il diritto internazionale. E invitano tutti ad ascoltare la chiamata del Papa e la dichiarazione  dello Sceicco di Al-Azhar 

Le organizzazioni per i diritti umani sottoelencate esprimono profonda preoccupazione per la  minaccia di aggressione militare alla Siria dei Governi di Stati Uniti e Francia, membri  permanenti del Consiglio di sicurezza che violano la carta delle Nazioni Unite attraverso la  pressione e la preparazione di un atto di aggressione che è contrario al diritto internazionale,  anche qualora fosse autorizzato dai rispettivi parlamenti. Le organizzazioni sottoelencate condannano l’uso di armi chimiche in Siria, chiunque le abbia  usate, a Khan Al Assal (marzo 2013), nella zona est di Gouta (agosto 2013) o in qualsiasi altro  luogo e chiede che il team di investigatori delle Nazioni Unite continui ad investigare per  appurare chi ha usato armi chimiche e per non lasciare impuniti i responsabili. Mentre è sorprendente che il governo USA abbia annunciato i risultati dell’indagine sull’uso  delle armi chimiche, prima che la Commissione internazionale d’inchiesta iniziasse il suo  lavoro, le organizzazioni sottoelencate sono più preoccupate dell’uso continuo della calunnia  e della menzogna per coprire l’aggressione militare contro Stati indipendenti, similmente a quanto avvenne prima dell’invasione del Vietnam del Nord nel 1964, con lo scandalo della  Baia dei Porci nel 1961, per lanciare l’aggressione contro Cuba, e con l’accusa menzognera  circa l’uso delle armi di distruzione di massa come pretesto per l’invasione militare dell’Iraq  nel 2003. Vogliamo anche ricordare, a questo proposito, la decisione della Corte  internazionale di Giustizia nel 1986, che considerò il sostegno dell’amministrazione degli Stati  Uniti all’opposizione armata contro il governo in Nicaragua, una violazione del diritto  internazionale. Le organizzazioni sottoscritte chiedono alle Nazioni Unite e alla comunità internazionale di  bandire tutte le armi di distruzione di massa in Medio Oriente, affinché diventi area libera da  armi nucleari, biologiche o chimiche. Queste organizzazioni, chiedono a tutte le parti interessate di accelerare la convocazione della  Conferenza Ginevra 2 secondo gli accordi di Ginevra 1 e di incoraggiare e facilitare la  soluzione siriano-siriana attraverso il dialogo, senza l’uccisione di civili, la violenza armata ed  il terrorismo, per evitare qualsiasi tentativo di dividere la Siria, lasciando che il popolo siriano,  senza alcun intervento straniero, scelga il proprio governo democratico e d il proprio stato  civile attraverso elezioni libere ed imparziali. Infine, le sottoelencate organizzazioni apprezzano vivamente la posizione della Camera dei  Comuni britannica, che non ha consentito il coinvolgimento della Gran Bretagna  nell’aggressione contro la Siria, come successe quando fu parte dei tre stati che parteciparono  all’aggressione contro l’Egitto nel 1956, dimostrando questa volta di essere coerenti con il  diritto internazionale. Apprezzano anche la posizione dei 77 membri della Casa Giordana dei  rappresentanti che ha invitato il governo Giordano a non utilizzare il territorio giordano come un trampolino di lancio per gli atti di aggressione alla Siria, e tutti coloro che nel mondo Arabo ed Occidentale si oppongono all’intervento militare  in Siria. Infine,   chiediamo  ai Governi dei dieci stati disposti a lanciare un’aggressione alla Siria di ascoltare bene la chiamata della ragione e della saggezza di Sua Santità Papa Francesco alla preghiera e al digiuno per evitare la guerra alla Siria e lavorare per una soluzione pacifica, così come di ascoltare  la posizione dello Sceicco di Al-Azhar Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb, che ha considerato l’azione militare contro la Siria come un atto di ostilità contro la nazione araba  che ignora la comunità internazionale e mette in pericolo la pace e la sicurezza a livello internazionale.

Organizzazioni per i diritti umani che hanno firmato
. 1- A group of Egyptian free/ Egypt
. 2- A group of women against the war on Syria / Jordan.
. 3- A new beginning for the development Foundation/ Egypt
. 4- Abu Bakr for community development and environmental protection/ Egypt
. 5- Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies / Jordan
. 6- Adam Foundation for Human Development/ Egypt
. 7- Ahmed Abdullah Rezeh Foundation for Development/ Egypt
. 8- AL Badeel Center for Studies and Research / Jordan
. 9- Al Hadaf Association for Human Rights in Tanta/ Egypt
. 10- Al -Hoda lamps Association -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 11- Al- Sanhoori Center for the freedoms and constitutional rights/ Egypt
. 12- Al Sawaqi Association for the development of society and the environment/ Egypt
. 13- Al-Amal Association for Comprehensive Development/ Egypt
. 14- Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights / Algeria
. 15- Al-Kalemah Center for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 16- All people Association for the overall development in Assiut/ Egypt
. 17- Almahrousa Radio/ Egypt
. 18- Almasar of social and human rights/ Yemen
. 19- AlMontazah Association for Cultural Development -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 20- AlMontazah Association for Cultural Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 21- Alsaeed Land Society for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
. 22- Alsharqyeh Youth for Development/ Egypt
. 23- Al-Shehab Foundation for expansion and overall development/ Egypt
. 24- Alternative Development Studies Center/ Egypt
. 25- Aman Network for the rehabilitation and defense of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa / Lebanon.
. 26- Amman Center for Human Rights Studies [ACHRS]
. 27- Amman Forum Society for Human Rights/ Jordan
. 28- Amoun Foundation for Rights and Freedoms / Egypt
. 29- Amwaj Association -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 30- Arab Bureau of Law/ Egypt
. 31- Arab Center for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 32- Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession/ Egypt
. 33- Arab Commission for Human Rights / France
. 34- Arab Consciousness center/ Egypt
. 35- Arab Council for Ethics and Citizenship/ Egypt
. 36- Arab Defense Association/ Egypt
37- Arab Foundation for the support of civil society and human rights/ Egypt
. 38- Arab Mediterranean network for local development / Jordan
. 39- Arab Organization for human rights in Syria

. 40- Arab Organization for Penal Reform/ Egypt
. 41- Arab Spring Institute for the Study of democratization in the Middle East and
North Africa / Egypt
. 42- Arab Women Media Center / Jordan
. 43- Arab Women Organization (AWO
. 44- Arab Women’s Union/ Egypt
. 45- Arab-European Center for Human Rights and International Law/ Norway
. 46- Article 57 Association for the Defense of Human Rights/ Egypt
. 47- Ashraqah Association for Community Development -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 48- Assembly of the Arab Center for Human Rights/ Egypt/ Egypt
. 49- Assembly of the nation and the people for sustainable development/ Egypt
. 50- Assembly Women’s Health Improvement -Kafr shaker/ Egypt
. 51- Association Center Development and Population/ Egypt
. 52- Association economist Third World / Jordan
. 53- Association for Health and EnvironmentalDevelopment/ Egypt
. 54- Association of comprehensive development in Qena/ Egypt
. 55- Association of hard work/ Egypt
. 56- Association of human communication/ Egypt
. 57- Association of Teachers of Quran/ Egypt
. 58- Association of the way to support anti-corruption and legal/ Egypt
. 59- Awakening/ Egypt
. 60- Awlad Artana Foundation for Culture , Development and the arts/ Egypt
. 61- Baader Development & Services/ Egypt
. 62- Bader Society for Development and Human Rights in Qena/ Egypt
. 63- Badia researcher for Human Development/ Egypt
. 64- Bahrain Observatory for Human Rights/Bahrain.
. 65- Bahrain Society for Human Rights/Bahrain.
. 66- Bahrain Society for Transparency/Bahrain.
. 67- Bank Association of new ideas/ Egypt
. 68- Bent Alreef Association for the development of rural women Qena/ Egypt
. 69- Better Life Association for Development and Training in Beni Suef/ Egypt
. 70- Bokra Foundation for rights and media studies/ Egypt
. 71- Bokrah for media production and media studies and human rights/ Egypt
. 72- Breezes Association/ Egypt
. 73- Business Women future – Fouh/ Egypt
. 74- Cairo Center for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 75- Candles Association for the care of the human rights/ Egypt
. 76- Care and Development apprentice boys Association/ Egypt
. 77- CEDAW Center for Democracy and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 78- Center January 25 for human rights –Banha/ Egypt
. 79- charitable Vrciss for the Community Development/ Egypt
. 80- Christianity Youth Association/ Egypt
. 81- Civil Egypt Movement/ Egypt
. 82- civil society organizations for the defense of the Palestinian people and the issues of freedom and liberty in the world (which includes 25 organizations ) / Palestine
. 83- Collective for Research and Training on Development Action / Lebanon
. 84- Come to participate for Community Development / Egypt

85- Commission for Public Freedoms and Human Rights in the Bar / Jordan
. 86- Community Development Association –Alhai Aljadeed – Morsi matrouh/ Egypt
. 87- Community Development Association –Al-Ikri/ Egypt
. 88- Community Development Association -Alshalateen/ Egypt
. 89- Community Development Association -Naga Al-Gassb/ Egypt
. 90- Community Development Association -AlJora/ Egypt
. 91- Community Development, environment, and family Association – Shakshouk/
. 92- Coordinating Commission for NGO in Lebanon (include 18 society)
. 93- Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Rights / Syria
. 94- Delta Center for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 95- Democratic Society for Moroccan Women/ Morocco
. 96- Determination of development/ Egypt
. 97- Development and Enhancement of Women/ Egypt
. 98- Dialogue Center / Yemen
. 99- Dialogue Forum for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 100- Dreams of the future Association–Alexandria/ Egypt
. 101- East Center for Human Rights/Saudi Arabia.
. 102- East-West Center for Human Resources Development / Jordan
. 103- Egypt Association for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 104- Egypt Youth Foundation for Development/ Egypt
. 105- Egypt Youth Society for Dialogue and Development/ Egypt
. 106- Egyptian Academy of Sport/ Egypt
. 107- Egyptian Association against medical negligence and human rights/ Egypt
. 108- Egyptian Association for Community Service/ Egypt
. 109- Egyptian Coalition against death penalty/ Egypt
. 110- Egyptian coalition hands/ Egypt
. 111- Egyptian Democratic Institute/ Egypt
. 112- Egyptian Family Development Foundation -Aswan/ Egypt
. 113- Egyptian Foundation for the Development level/ Egypt
. 114- Egyptian Foundation for Training and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 115- Egyptian Rights Centre for Development and Human Rights – Port Said/ Egypt
. 116- Egyptian sons foundation for Community Development and training in Sohag/
. 117- Egyptian Women’s Legal Foundation/ Egypt
. 118- Egyptian Workers Association for Development and Human Rights – Mahalla alKubra/ Egypt
. 119- El-Karama Organization/ Egypt
. 120- enlighten Association ( independent culture ) / Egypt
. 121- Enlightenment forum / Yemen
. 122- Eve future Association/ Egypt
. 123- Faith Association for Comprehensive Development in Minya/ Egypt
. 124- Faith Vanguards Association charity -Alqbabat Atfih Center/ Egypt
. 125- Family Association/ Egypt
. 126- Fares Foundation for Social Welfare/ Egypt
. 127- Federation of Independent Trade Unions / Jordan
. 128- Fida international development cooperation/ Jordan.
. 129- Forum of independent civil society organizations (120 organizations and
institutions) / Yemen.

130- Foundation Yemen and proud of the development and the defense of rights and
. 131- Fowa Heritage tourist Foundation/ Egypt
. 132- Free Egypt Association/ Egypt
. 133- Freedom Association for Development and Environment/ Egypt
. 134- Freedom Association for Development and Environment/ Egypt
. 135- Future Builders Association for Comprehensive Development/ Egypt
. 136- Future Society for Development and consumer and environmental protection –
Aswan/ Egypt
. 137- Global Movement for the Defense of Children– Palestine
. 138- Harran Youth Forum / Yemen
. 139- homeland Without Borders Center for Human Development and Human Rights
and the Refugees/ Egypt
. 140- Hope Village Society Alexandria/ Egypt
. 141- Hope Village Society for Social Development and Rehabilitation for Disabled/
. 142- House dialogue/ Egypt
. 143- House livelihood/ Egypt
. 144- human communication/ Egypt
. 145- Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners/ Egypt
. 146- Human Rights Organization in Iraq ( 1982 ) / London
. 147- Humanitarian Forum for Women’s Rights / Jordan
. 148- Humans Association for Comprehensive Development/ Egypt
. 149- Iben Misr for Development and human rights awareness/ Egypt
. 150- Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, “Sun” / Palestine
. 151- Intellectual system of the law firm/ Egypt
. 152- International Justice Center-Tanta/ Egypt
. 153- International Center for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 154- International Center to support the rights and freedoms/ Egypt
. 155- Iraqi human rights organizations Network(including 54 human rights
organizations) / Iraq
. 156- Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center / Palestine
. 157- Jordan network of civil society organizations (which includes 16 organizations)
. 158- Jordanian Association for Child Rights/Jordan
. 159- Jordanian Authority for the culture of democracy / Jordan
. 160- Jordanian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
. 161- Jordanian Democratic Youth league/ Rashad
. 162- Jordanian Jurists Association
. 163- Jordanian labor Observatory
. 164- Jordanian league of Democratic Women / Rand
. 165- Jordanian Network for Human Rights coaches / Jordan
. 166- Jordanian Professional Association
. 167- Jordanian teachers Democratic league
. 168- Jothor -for Cultural Development/ Egypt
. 169- Justice company for Human Development , Consultation and Training/ Egypt
. 170- Justice Organization for freedoms and human rights / Yemen
. 171- Justice organization for Development and human Rights/ Egypt
. 172- Kaar Massoud Association for community service and development/ Egypt
. 173- Khadija Association in Fayoum/ Egypt
. 174- Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture / Lebanon

175- Land and human Foundation to support the development / Jordan
. 176- Land Center for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 177- Legal Forum/ Egypt
. 178- Legend of public work/ Egypt
. 179- Liberal Forum for Strategic Studies/ Morocco
. 180- Life Association for Community Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 181- Life Candle Association for the care of disabled/ Egypt
. 182- Life Flowers Association -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 183- Local community Development Association –Al-Mofti/ Egypt
. 184- Local Community Development Association –Kafr Rabee/ Egypt
. 185- Long Association for the Welfare of Disabled Persons – Sharqia/ Egypt
. 186- Maakom Association for development and social assistance/ Egypt
. 187- Maat Center for Peace, Development and Human Rights / Egypt
. 188- Maat Center for Peace, Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 189- Madaba Foundation to support the development / Jordan
. 190- Martyr Mohamed Othman Moharram charity Association for the overall
development of society and the protection of human rights and the environment –
registered number 92 for the year 1967/ Egypt
. 191- Masr Al-Khair Society
. 192- Mauritania network for election monitoring/Mauritania
. 193- Mauritanian Assembly to upgrade rights / Mauritania
. 194- Mauritanian Association for Human Rights /Mauritania
. 195- Mohamed Abdel Salam Foundation for Development, Training and Human
Rights/ Egypt
. 196- Mom Association for Rights and Development/ Egypt
. 197- Moroccan Center for Human Rights ( Morocco)
. 198- Mosawat(Equality) Network including 87 Society and organization)/Jordan
. 199- Muslim Youth Association in Algelaalh – Ibrahimeya Center/ Egypt
. 200- National Association for Defending Rights and Freedoms/ Egypt
. 201- National belonging Foundation for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 202- National Center for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 203- National Civil Forum in Sudan (include more than 50 organizations)/Sudan.
. 204- National Foundation for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings / Yemen
. 205- National Foundation for Transitional Justice/ Egypt
. 206- National Observatory for Human voter / Morocco
. 207- National Society for Human Rights -Al sharqieha/ Egypt
. 208- National Union for the Total Independence lawyer/ Egypt
. 209- National University of Civil Society Organizations / Morocco
. 210- New dream Association -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 211- News Foundation for Press and Media/ Egypt
. 212- Omar Hanoune Organization/ Freedom Organization/ Egypt
. 213- One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society Care – Egypt
. 214- Osvon for Training and Information Technology/ Egypt
. 215- Our dreams Foundation for expansion and overall development/ Egypt
. 216- Our Voice Association for NGOs/ Egypt
. 217- Our word Association for Dialogue and Development/ Egypt
. 218- Palestinian Institute for Human Rights / Palestine
. 219- Participatory Development Association/ Egypt
. 220- Peace and the Renaissance Society/ Egypt

221- People of management control/ Egypt
. 222- Phoenix Center for Economic Studies and Informatics / Jordan
. 223- Por Fouad Association for Family and Child Welfare/ Egypt
. 224- prayer paradise Association for Philanthropy and Development/ Egypt
. 225- Preeminence Amal Association for Community Development in Fayoum
. 226- protection center to support the defenders of human rights/ Egypt
. 227- Pulse homeland Association for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 228- Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies / Palestine
. 229- Refaa Tahtawy Forum for Democratic Studies / Egypt
. 230- RegionalCenter for Information and Development Studies/ Egypt
. 231- Rehab Mohamed Gharib Hassan/ Egypt
. 232- Reload small industries/ Egypt
. 233- Renaissance Egypt Youth Association-Tanta/ Egypt
. 234- Rimas Association/ Egypt
. 235- Roots Association for Civil Rights / Jordan
. 236- Roots Association for Comprehensive Development/ Egypt
. 237- Rural Friendship Association -Kaliobeya/ Egypt
. 238- Saedah for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 239- Set the colors of life group for the rights of persons with disabilities/ Egypt
. 240- seven million disabled people Association/ Egypt
. 241- shares of confidence Foundation -Ismailia/ Egypt
. 242- Sinai Foundation for Economic Development -North Sinai/ Egypt
. 243- Sincerity and piety Association for community development/ Egypt
. 244- Siza Nabrawi Center for Law/ Egypt
. 245- Social community development Association Jazeret Bba-Beni Suef/ Egypt
. 246- Socialist Forum / Jordan
. 247- Solidarity Association for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 248- South Centre for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 249- step Society for the Care of Persons with Disabilities/ Egypt
. 250- Sudan Organization for Social Development (SODO)
. 251- Syrian network for human rights monitoring/ Syria
. 252- Taha Hussein Foundation for Civic Education/ Egypt
. 253- Tawasoul center for empower women/ Egypt
. 254- Teba Center for Human Rights and Development/ Egypt
. 255- The Arab Coalition Against the Death Penalty(including 11 national coalitions
. 256- The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists/ Egypt
. 257- The Arabic Network for Human Rights coaches / Jordan
. 258- The Association of democracy and solidarity in Syria – France
. 259- The Association of economic and social empowerment of women / Jordan
. 260- The Association of hard work / Egypt
. 261- The Association of women heads of households /
. 262- The Development and Enhancement of Women Association/ Egypt
. 263- The Egyptian Association for Civic Education and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 264- The Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement/ Egypt
. 265- The Egyptian Association for Development in Fayoum/ Egypt
. 266- The Egyptian Association for Economic and Social Rights/ Egypt
. 267- The Egyptian Association for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 268- The Egyptian Association for on A’erah and Technological Development/ Egypt
. 269- The Egyptian Association for Political Science/ Egypt

270- The Egyptian Association for the Advancement and Development/ Egypt
. 271- The Egyptian Association for the deployment and development of legal
awareness / Egypt
. 272- The Egyptian Association for the development of children and youth/ Egypt
. 273- The Egyptian Center for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 274- The Egyptian lawyers initiative and steps in front/ Egypt
. 275- The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 276- The Egyptians without Borders Foundation / Egypt
. 277- The Graduates Youth Association – Sohag/ Egypt
. 278- The Land Children Foundation for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 279- The Middle East Foundation for Development / Yemen
. 280- the National Assembly for Human Rights/ Egypt
. 281- The National Council for Human Rights – Syria
. 282- The National Organization for Human Rights / Cairo
. 283- The Palestinian Society for Human Rights (Monitor)
. 284- The pioneers of the environment and human rights Organization f/ Egypt
. 285- The right of the Egyptian citizen Association Ismailia/ Egypt
. 286- The right to life/ Egypt
. 287- The socialist prospects center in Al-Mahalla al-Kubra/ Egypt
. 288- Today’s students/ Egypt
. 289- Tomorrow Mashreq/ Egypt
. 290- towards a better Egypt Foundation/ Egypt
. 291- Tram Radio/ Egypt
. 292- treasures Bardawil Association -North Sinai/ Egypt
. 293- Trustfulness hand Foundation/ Egypt
. 294- Union of Arab ambassadors childhood/ Egypt
. 295- United Group – Lawyers and Legal Consultants/ Egypt
. 296- upward Association for Development and Human Rights/ Egypt
. 297- Victory Association for Community Development/ Egypt
. 298- Vinos Organization for Iraqi Women/ Iraq
. 299- Voter foundation for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
. 300- Women and Development Association -Alexandria/ Egypt
. 301- Women’s Assembly -Al qaseer/ Egypt
. 302- Women’s Association for the development of the local community Aswan/ Egypt
. 303- Women’s Associationfor the future and development in Arment/ Egypt
. 304- Women’s Foundation for Development/ Egypt
. 305- Women’s Rights Foundation are the first/ Egypt
. 306- Yemen organization defending rights and democratic freedom.
. 307- Yemeni Coalition Against the Death Penalty / Yemen
. 308- Youth and girls Tala Center Association for Social Development/ Egypt
. 309- Youth liberty Society-Batma/ Egypt
. 310- Youth Without Borders/ Egypt







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